CBAM Transitional Registry
The European Commission has created an information system called CBAM Transitional Registry that became fully operational on the 4th of January 2024.
This system serves reporting importers and indirect customs representatives to fulfill their reporting obligations in the transitional period, which mainly include the submission of quarterly reports containing information on the import of CBAM goods from third countries and embedded direct and indirect emissions.
The National Competent Authority (NCA) for CBAM in Slovakia is the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic (MoEnv SR). MoEnv SR cooperates with the Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic, which informs importers and indirect customs representatives at regular intervals about their CBAM obligations arising from the legislation of the EU and sends data on the import of CBAM goods to the European Commission.
MoEnv SR grants permission for access into the CBAM Transitional Registry to importers and indirect customs representatives based in the Slovak Republic on the basis of a request form filled out by importers or indirect customs representatives and sent electronically. The registration is performed continuously. For administration of the process of verifying identity and access rights of importers and indirect customs representatives serves the Uniform User Management & Digital Signature (UUM&DS) system.
CBAM Transitional Registry Access Request Procedure:
1. Before submitting the request, it is necessary for the importer or indirect customs representative to have an EU Login account. If you already have an EU Login account created, it is possible to use it. If you do not have an EU Login account yet, please create one via this link. More detailed information about the EU Login can be found in the manual or the FAQ section (under „I am external to the European Institutions“). If you encounter any issues while creating the EU Login account, you may report the issue by contacting external support via email: .
2. It is also necessary that the importer or indirect customs representative has an EORI number assigned to them. Information about the Economic Operators Registration and Identifications (EORI) system can be found on the website of the Financial Directorate.
Natural persons– non-entrepreneurs,who perform an import are automatically assigned an identification number in the format of their personal identification number. However, granting of access into the CBAM Transitional Registry is not possible with this identifier alone. If you are a natural person for whom reporting obligation arises due to CBAM, it is necessary to request an assignation of an EORI number in the format of SKC... by contacting the Financial Directorate via email at . Please specify that you are requesting assignment of an EORI number in order to fulfill your reporting obligation according to Article 35 of the Regulation (EU) 2023/956 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 May 2023 establishing a carbon border adjustment mechanism.
3. The importer or indirect customs representative fills out a request form for granting of access into the CBAM Transitional Registry (docx, 18 kN) and a consent form for personal data processing (docx, 15 kB).
4. The importer or the indirect customs representative sends the filled out request form (in Word format) along with signed attachments (a consent form for personal data processing and, if applicable, a power of attorney signed by the legal representative) to , with the subject of the email: „Registration CBAM“.
MoEnv SR will evaluate the request and decide on granting of access into the CBAM Transitional Registry. The importer or indirect customs representative will be notified about the decision electronically.
5. After being granted access, the importer or indirect customs representative will be able to log into the CBAM Transitional Registry via the link https://cbam.ec.europa.eu/declarant, through which it is possible to submit a CBAM report. Detailed information on CBAM report submission through the CBAM Transitional Registry application can be found in the user manual for declarants (pdf, 4,48 MB).
Up-to-date and detailed information regarding the CBAM mechanism, CBAM Transitional Registry, completing of CBAM reports and training activities organized by the European Commission can be found on the website of the European Commission.