Institute for Environmental Policy
is an analytical unit of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic. The mission of IEP is to provide a high quality and reliable environmental analysis and forecasts for the Slovak government and public. IEP publishes publicly:
- The IEP Working Papers are, along with the comments, the main IEP analytical publications. Economic analysis examine the problem in detail and contain recommendations for "policy makers". Analysis are generally longer (30+ pages) for the wider public.
- The IEP Policy briefs is short work materials, mostly written in response to a current issue. These are information documents intended for the general public and the media. Comments may contain recommendations.
In addition, we publish the IEP presentations at workshops and conferences, or the data sources on which our analysis are based. The opinions of the authors can not be identified with the official position of the MoE SR.
The following studies have been published in english:
- How to get out of the Wasteland (September 2023) (PDF, 1,21 MB) and technical annex (PDF, 2,89 MB)
- OECD Environmental Performance Reviews (joint OECD-IEP study, April 2024) (PDF, 2,68 MB)
- Identifying climate risk levels of Slovak municipalities (April 2023) (PDF, 1,99 MB)
- Adaptation measurement: Assessing municipal climate risks to inform adaptation policy in the Slovak Republic (joint OECD-IEP study, April 2023) and technical annex
- Impact analysis of the Fit for 55 package (March 2022) (PDF, 2,91 MB)
- Drivers and Health Impacts of Ambient Air Pollution in Slovakia (joint WB-IEP study, February 2021), methodological annex and model
- Towards a green fiscal reform (joint OECD-IEP study, August 2020)
- Sorting out Waste Sorting and overview of fees and EPR systems in Europe (April 2020)
- Fair Waste - Estimating effects of unit based pricing in Slovakia (November 2019) (PDF, 1,56 MB)
- A Low-Carbon Growth Study For Slovakia (World Bank-IEP, March 2019) (PDF, 15,38 MB)
- Real Price of Deposit (November 2018) (PDF, 932kB) and technical annex (PDF, 466 kB)
- Estimating environmental benefits of wastewater treatment in Slovakia (April 2018) (PDF, 674 kB
- Making the Slovak Republic more resource efficient economy (joint OECD-IEP study, November 2017) (PDF, 2,12 MB)
IEP also coordinated and prepared the National Strategy of the Environmental Policy of the Slovak Republic until 2030
- Greener Slovakia (March 2019) (PDF, 800kB)