Green and Circular Economy
During the Slovak presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2016 Ministry of Environment has launched the Bratislava Process of Transition to Green Economy (T2GE) during a high-level international conference. The dialogue on the transition continued in 2017 with international conference Driving towards circularity which was focused on the automotive industry.
The T2gE process aims to create a space for informed discussion about the advantages of green and circular economy, to present innovations and best practices and to support progressive partners. For this purposes the Information Platform on Green Economy was created, administered by Slovak Environment Agency in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment.
Strategy of the Environmental Policy of the Slovak Republic until 2030” was adopted in February 2019. This strategic document defines the transition to circular economy as one of its priorities. the Ministry gradually reforms the legislation to enable this transition. For example, since January 2019 the landfill tax has been increased to divert the waste from landfilling to recycling. Later in 2019 Slovak government also adopted law on deposit-refund system for PET bottles and metal cans. Transposition of EU waste package is in progress.
You can find out more on the state of circular economy in Slovakia and on the examples of good practice in the publication Circular Economy - Future of the Development of Slovakia.
Circular economy A4 leaflet (pdf, 2,0 MB)